Sunday, March 24, 2013

Stay tuned :-)

Looking at the hits to this Blog it seems people enjoy reading about God in action. I cannot keep all this amazing information in my head and not share. I had to put it up for the world to read and see the reality of God and that he is keenly interested in our everyday lives. I sincerely apologise for not getting back in here for a long time. I forgot the username and password and had tried many times to get back in. Tonight I seemed to do everthing just right and using various methods, found my username and WALLA ... So keep tuned I do my little bit to share that GOD IS REAL , alive and well. He loves you so much he sent his son Jesus to die for you to make a way for you and I to enter heaven. It is that simple... The Good News is not complicated... just requires faith to believe it. I have witnessed far far too much to turn away from God... Hope hope hope you find what I have found, and what millions of others have found, a living relationship with the spirit of God.


  1. Still battling to get into this Blog to edit. I have more to add

  2. Cannot get into the blog to edit.. tried many many times
