Friday, November 27, 2009

Just made it in

This is what happened:
A young lad asked if I would please go visit his frail care @ hospice
I agreed and we shot off their on route home from School. He shared with me that she had a severe bone cancer condition and had only days to live. She could hardly be moved as her bones had turned to Chalk, and if she was lifted the bones just broke/ snapped !! What a sad sight....just lying there looking at us....
I mentioned we would love to pray with her...there was no resistance...we prayed
Afterwards, I asked her if she had given her life to Jesus , she said No. ! I was could this be???? Days away or even hours away from eternity...with destination unknown!!!
She said she is a JW and that she did not believe in all that. My heart cried out for her. I was praying in the Holy Spirit asking how how can we get her to understand the consequences of her decision.
After a short while I asked her if she would like to accept Jesus into her heart...she said YES!!!!!!!1
We prayed...she prayed after me and gave her life completly to Jesus.....HOW AWESOME WAS THAT!!...Tears rolled down those cheeks...
After some while we left. The next day the young lad was not at school and I heard through his teacher that his Mom had passed away!
Wow that was a close shave!!!   too close for comfort

Don't take a chance people....dying without Jesus in your heart is like jumping out of an aeroplane without a parachute!!! Put Jesus on...accept Him...embrace him...don't be a fool

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Paralysed from the waist down...then healed

This is what happened: During my National Service days I was involved in a bad car accident, when a vehicle smashed into the back of my car at a robot in Durban. I was stationary and the driver of the other car, apparently high on coke, did not see me and hit me at a good 80 to 100km per hour. As a result of that accident, and other small incidents I ended up have 2 major spine ops. I spent the best part of 6 months at a local Hospital.
During this time I picked up Meningitus  and nearly died
So there I am, 21 yrs old, enjoying life, getting focused, ready for a carreer in Engineering and then suddenly all this.
My wife of today was my high school sweatheart back then. Lying there in that hospital bed, no feeling or use of my legs I encouraged her to leave me and find someone else. She would have no part in this and stuck in with me during the worst time of my life. She lived the horror story with me, never leaving me for one moment.
I praise God for her and her love for me...she deserves a medal for what she went through.
One morning, around 4am, I thought it was my last moments. With Meningitus, and the pain after 2 spine ops, no use of my legs, I was crying as I just lay there thinking why why why ...what did I do to deserve this?
Feeling as if I was about to die, I grabbed a Bible off the counter next to my bed and clutching it to my chest I cried out aloud "God of this Book, if you are real, I ask that you heal me" If you heal me, I will tell of your miracle to the whole world, I will give my life to you and tell people about you"
My condition was hopeless, I had absolutley no feelings in my legs. I could not walk since the 2 ops.
BUT....within days of having prayed that prayer...feelings started coming back into my legs. From being these 2 x numb stumps, to gradual feelings in my feet. It was so bad that when my mom and Dad cam to visit they would push my legs up and put sand bags at my feet to stop my legs slipping back down. They would tilt my knees towards each other so as to stop my legs from flopping outwards. My legs were nonexistant...I could not feel or move them.
After a few weeks I was being assited in a wheelchair to the exercise area, where there were parallel bars. I was assisted to the bars where I would pick myself up with my arms and then attempt to make these 2 x stumps obey my thoughts. Move left leg...I said MOVE!!!...ok now....right leg...MOVE....many times response
To cut a long story I am healed. I walk with a limp and the old legs are a bit wobbly but I am good
When I go to a braai or a function if people see me with a beer, they think...eisssh look at that O ....drunk as a skunk already!!!  ha ha..
Bottom Line...Jesus Christ of Nazareth healed me...I am alive and well, built my own house, completed my apprenticeship as a Millwright, completed my Diploma in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and I am 23 yrs Happily married with 2 x gifted daughters. I never thought I would see the day...but because of God's healing power...I was healed and now am blessed beyond my wildest dreams. Turn to Jesus people...He is alive and well and still healing today as he did more than 2000 yrs ago  [typed in a rush...excuse the spellings errors]

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This Testimony will show you that to be a wittness does not always mean that you must talk!!  Shocking statement??  well here is the truth of what happenend to me oneday
I was asked to be the Chauffeur at an African Wedding. An African Pastor , Pastor Johannes Ngube, whom I had done some short term missionary outreaches with requested I use our Honda Ballard. I agreed and on the day, a Saturday I pitched up at Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Church with the Honda glowing from all the polish.
I was told the wedding was to start at 10am. I was there at 9am ...ready....waiting..I can do this...I can do this|!!!
Well by 10am people had started gathering, but mmmm, no sign or Bride or groom I started asking around.
Oh Boy..I found out...The bride was stuck down the valley and did not have transport up to the Church. So I set off in the Honda Ballarde...down down into the Molweni valley..the Honda was not high off the ground and often bellied out scraping over high ridges..Found her and the groom and bridesmaids...they all bundled in!! I mean this was urgent!! late for the wedding...guests arriving..Boy did we battle to get out of that Valley...sand roads...wash aways etc etc...with wheels spinning we JUST managed to get to the Church in Fisher Road.
After the Ceremony we headed off to a local get the pics...the Honda...loaded to dresses and veils blowing everywhere...hooting along the streets on route...ra ra ra
At the Hotel whilst the phot session was taking place I had this sudden fear grip me....I was the only white O...a little scary having just come out of an indoctrinated Apartheid error...and to make it worse, one particular African gentleman had dagger eyes for me!! eeekk I could see by his posture and facial expressions this guy was not chuffed to have Mr White boy there...eisssh
Well I kinda kept a little closer to Pastor Johannes Ngube, just a little closer ...ya of faith...ha ha
I was the Chauffeur, and that was that...what a privilage...and nobody was gonna stop me...I was on a mission to be the best I could be. We then drove to the home where the celebrations would take place...eisssh...we drove deeper and deeper in to the passed and getting a bit nervous I was asking fairly often..." much further?"  More and more KM'S !! drive drive drive...hoooting hooting...ra ra...happy people...celebration mood...ra ra...and little white boy feels like a piece of confetty white dot...ha ha...not funny at the time!  Well like we have been reading recently at POWER SCHOOL at Heartlands Church Westville....we were all in ONE ACCORD... [Honda ACCORD..except this was a Ballarde :-)]
The whole valley was celebrating as the wedding had taken place between to "tribes" the Mkhize family and the Gumede family  so it was a major attraction...people from every angle rushing towards the car...waving...shouting good wishes etc
FINALLY we arrived and the whole ceremonial thing lined up seperatley to the ladies...Men then went in first to make sure everything is safe dancing as we ran in. I was asked not to go...just come in for a little drink and snack...hestitantly with fear and trepidation I agreed and join the mens dancing line!!!  WOW WOW  was I ever so intimidated...being the only PINK O!!
Anyway I just jumped in and had fun...until I locked eyes with the same guy I saw at the he had it in for me...I sensed he hated me...he detested looked like he wanted to remove my eyes and other sensitive parts and grind them to powder...Honestlyy there was something in him that clashed with the Holy Spirit in me!! I sense hate hate hate...just from one else gave me this vibe...only him. I tried to smile at him...just to be friendly, but it was met by deathly looking eyes..eissh cold shivers man...this guy was bad bad news!!
I was just the chauffer! I was not asked to do anything else except smile and drive...THAT WAS IT...praise God
Well feeling very uneasy..I said my goodbyes etc and I dashed away at the first opportunity....jumped in my Honda and made my getaway...well it felt like that.
HERE IS THE MIRACLE....on the Monday I was sick as a dog with the flu, still in bed at home, when the home phone rang at about 9am...My wife answered and it was Pastor Ngube..."Please tell Gavin something amazing has happened...amazing amazing" Amiracle had taken place...the guy whom I had feared had come to Pastor Ngube's office at HCF. His words to pastor Ngube...Pastor...that white man who drove the car at the wedding....what ever spirit is in him...I WANT THAT SPIRIT!!!!
He gave his life to Jesus that monday morning a day after the wedding. I write with tears rolling down my cheaks...yeh...what a awesome is that...God used me as a testimony to win a soul...I DID NOT SAY A WORD.......I was watched from a distance.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Praise God Praise God....Yahoooooooooo...
I was told that it was a HUGE miracle because he was a senior member of a anti white movement known as UPLA...their slogan being settler one bullet!   eisssh..Praise God   he is no more a racist...his hate for us PINK O's was melted away by the love of Jesus...which he embraced...What a joy!...THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS STORY OF MINE...I have to share what God has done..Gavin

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lame walk...we did not know the miracle had happened...the Doctor told us afterwards

This is what happened:
The Lord is good...His mercy endures forever..AMEN
I felt a tug on my heart strings as a few of the young people at the School I was teaching at indicated their desire to go on a short mission trip. They were so totally sold out for Jesus and going was strong on their hearts.
We went with Keir and Kallie Taylor of Hand in Hand International. About 8 young people combined with another 30 or so Americans and Germans.
After a few days training at Eshowe Christain Fellowship,with a Pastor Van der Merwe,  to equip us for the mission trip,  we set off to the Mozambique border.
We stayed at a Catholic Church...sleeping on the floor and in the Kombi outside..tough going but worth it.
We wittnessed so many miracles during our time there...I will attempt to record them all on this Blog.
On this occasion we had gone to the local Hospital to pray for the sick and hurting. A small group of us decided we would go to the Turbuculosis Ward and pray. I recall being with a lady teacher from Thomas Moore College and a young lady from Kloof High School...Kerry was her name.
We got permission to enter the ward and walked about with seriously sad hearts as we looked at all the people lying in their beds...thin as rakes.
I can still see them , some sitting outside on the grass, just enjoying the outdoors
One gentleman from Mozambique caught our attention. He was sitting on the grass all by himself, and he has urnated in his blue hospital pyjamas.Oh we felt such compassion for him...with tears in our eyes we sat down next to him and offered to pray. He did not speak English and our interpretor was with another group somewhere. Anyway, it did not take much to understand ...he indicated we pray for his chest..TB we layed hands and prayed. Just as we finished praying we noticed the other folk sitting on the grass get up and head inside due to the fine drizzel that had started coming down..We asked him if he wanted to rather go inside and he just sat there...wet with urine...rain starting to fall. He indicated his knees were sore we though OK...must be arthiritus of something so we layed our hands on his boney knees and prayed. After that , due to the rain falling fairly fast now, we decided to help him in. Well he held on my shoulder and on the Lady Teacher from Thomas Moore College, and we walk him in slowly. As we got in the door of the ward, we saw a British Lad Doctor. I can still see her ,,,hair in a pony tail...glasses on the end of her nose...looking through her Bifocals at her clipboard....I asked her " Excuse me mam...could you tell us where this mans bed is please ?"...with which she lifted her head...eyes enlarged slightly in alarm and she said " That man does not walk!!! His mattress is there behind the door on the floor.!!! I have been here for 2 years and he crawls out every day and crawls back to his mattress in the evening...HE IS LAME...HE CANNOT WALK!!!   Well we did not know any of this...we did not even realise God had healed him...he walked with us...just holding on my shoulder and the lady teacher for balance...but he walked on his own 2 pins!!!

Jesus the same yesterday today and forever

Give your life to him friend...don't take chances with eternity without Him

Invite Him into your heart..just pray...Lord Jesus..thank you for dying for my sins...taking my place..I give my life to you right now...I know you arose from the dead on the 3rd day and you are now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. Holy Spirit come live in me...cleanse me in Jesus name AMEN...  Yahoooooooooo you are now born again...get reading your Bible..try a Living Translation and get into a Bible based Church
A good rule of Thumb...if you do not see signs and wonders in the church you attend....leave
Look for a church where the Holy Spirit is welcome...signs and wonders will always follow the preaching of the word

Email me us if you need support...tell someone about what you have done
apologies for any spelling errors...

Monday, October 5, 2009

ISSUE OF BLOOD...just last week

This is what happened:
A lady at work approached for prayer...she shared that she had given birth about 3 months ago and had not stopped bleeding. She said she had been to doctors and the clinic etc to no avail. She was truly desperate and as a last resort had now come to ask for prayer.. I asked her if she believed Jesus could heal her, she immediately responded YES..
We prayed and agreed in prayer for complete healing in Jesus name.
The lady left and I did not see her until a few nights later when I was called out for a breakdown..........WELL I WAS NEARLY SWEPT OFF MY FEET as she ran to me....telling me the GOOD NEWS that she was healed...Jesus had answered our prayer....SHE WAS TOTALY more blood from the very next morning after we prayed...

Praise God...we serve a God of miracles...the same and forever think some people believe Christianity to be a crutch!!!  Like JA....

Jonty Rhodes needs a crutch!!...Francious Pienaar needs a crutch...Penny Heyns needs a crutch....BEAST from the Sharks needs a Crutch.....Bakkies Botha needs a Crutch...Rory Kockett needs a crutch...Abey Devilliers needs a crutch,,,how many more HERO'S and WINNERS and Champions should I dare mention...???

Friday, October 2, 2009


This is what happened:
the Company I had been working for had liquidated and I was given an oportunity to manufacture furnaces. Some of these furnaces that Jetrose and I built in my garage at home were put into operation at an Aluminium Foundry in PMB.
Well to keep the story short, times got tough and on one particular day I was down to zero. No bucs what so ever. All I had was the fuel in my tamk...not much. There was a mens meeting up at our Church in Hillcrest at 7am, so I took the girls to school and then dropped in for the meeting. It was just coffee and or beakfast. I had said to the Lord, that I would not put my trust in man , but rather in him.
So although I had an empty tank, I did not ask the other guys for a cent. Everything in me was shouting, "just ask Dirk for 10bucs to get you home at least" I refused and trusted God almighty.
Whilst driving home...needle on the 'E' mark...I was saying...OK GOD...I trust you...I know you will come through for me etc etc
With little faith I drove to my Mothers place...hoping she might sense my delema and offer some bucs!! ha ha...I got there...and no way...she was not home!!!
Now the needle below E...and there I am driving along the freeway back home. I am praying out loud "FATHER YOUR WORD SAYS...YOU WILL SUPPLY ALL OUR NEEDS ACCORDING TO YOUR RICHES"  when suddenly the phone rings....Hi Gavin...hey man...we got this quote of yours here, when can you start the job...we have R7000 cash waiting here for you now. Come and collect

YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  that is the Daddy I love with all my heart...he watches over us.....FOR ALL OF US...TRUST him...give your life to Jesus....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Short legs grow

This is what happened:
We went on a short term mission to Mozambique and WOW mind blowing stuff...honest..where do I start...OK one miracle @ a time
There was about 30 of us from various churches in the Durban area.We were based just North of Maputo and each night we headed out in small groups to various churches in the area. We ended up at a tiny church with about 150 people. It was late afternoon. The local people had given us handfulls of fire roasted Cashew fav. Apparently the plantations were planted by the Portugese settles many years before. Anyway during a time of sharing our testimonies with the people I got this clear message in my head..."wash the peoples feet" of character for me ...I don't do stuff like that. The message was clear clear in my heart.... so I asked for confirmation from other members of the group and they agreed. I called for the water etc, it was a huge task, but after while a young man arrived with a enamel bowl, soap and towel. We started washing the peoples feet and through the interpretor we made a call for the sick to make a prayer line for healing. Well I personally witnessed short legs grow at the name of Jesus. One by one we sat these old ladies down on a chair, with their backs firming up against the back support. When I picked the first ladies legs up and held them in my hands, I could see a definite 2 inches or so of shortness in the one leg. As we prayed together, and as I was holding her feet ...I closed my eyes...I was just being sincere. As I had my eyes friend Mark was hitting me on the shoulder.."Gav...Gav open your eyes...the leg is moving!!!"
Well when I did open my eyes...the heels were level...the leg had grown...Jesus had performed the miracle..
Well directly after that two more ladies were healed that early evening...ONLY THIS TIME....I kept my eyes wide opened and witnessed the supernatural healing power of God...I watched and felt the short leg push across my hand as God caused the healing!!! To add to these miracles God had done, the night before I had personlly held the video camera and filmed a man's leg as it grew !! GOD IS THE SAME YESTERDAY TODAY AND FOREVER....I caught it on video. If you want to see the dvd contact me.
Many more miracles to share...keep tuned in to this blog.. :-) Bottom line...Give your life to Jesus...make sure you know where you will spend eternity...NO JOKE FRIENDS...the spiritual realm around us...unseen BUT ITS4REAL!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


This is what happened:
Had to share...reminded of Christ's love for his bride
homecell last night we were sharing a little and the following 2 diamonds from 1st year Bible school came to mind

Jesus in Genesis...The word says Adam was not deceived...
Adam and Eve were 100% ...spiritual....non fallen state....walking with God in Eden
After the fall...after Eve had fallen into must have been very very obvious that Eve was no longer longer in 100% commune with God. Adam must have immediately seen his Bride was in a "fallen" state. Now keeping in mind what Jesus did for His church...Jesus Died for us. He chose to die for his Bride
Adam symbolic of Jesus...the first Adam man...he chose to die...spiritually...because of his love for his Bride....he chose to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Just the whole Jesus in Genesis so beautiful

The second symbolic picture of Jesus in Genesis is seen when Jesus died on the cross....
Think carefully ...see the picture
God made Adam...and he saw that Adam was put Adam into a deep sleep..(death)...and whilst in a deep sleep...he took a rib out of Adams side and formed his bride....
NOW HERE COME THE BEAUTY....Think of Jesus on the cross...he too was put into a deep sleep...death on the cross....and a spear was thrust into his side....water ran out....The rib taken out of the side of Adam whilst he was asleep was used for making his bride....just like the SECOND ADAM...JESUS......whilst dead on the cross....... out of his side .... His bride was made....
AMAZING SYMBOLISM....such love for

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Originally typed on : 7 June 1998
Dreams I Had, and remembered

This dream went as follows:
I Believe that I found myself on the very edge of Hell itself. It was dark, there were numerous people moving around and many were lying down, moaning. The ones lying down seemed dead yet they were wryling in pain. The place was very dark, and portions of peoples faces could be seen. The people moving around seemed to be like Robots as they just carried out one particular task. They were taking these people who were lying on the ground and strapping them to a slate of some type and then letting them go down a slope nearby. This slope seemed to go off into a fiery glow. The odd glow was what shone from time to time and lit the area up around me. The people on the ground were my main concern. I did not recognise anybody thank God for that. They seemed to be screaming and trying to stop themselves from being strapped to the slates. They were in great pain as I remember some of them having open flesh wounds and skin burns. Others seemed to have worms under their skin and it seemed that the pain was unbearable but it could not be stopped because they were already dead! It was a heart wrenching sight I wanted to help but could not. It seemed as if they could not talk or hear me. I seemed to be staying here in this place far too long and out of desperation I tried talking to a body lying on the dusty floor next to me. I found myself shouting at this body. There was no response, the body seemed to be more of a corpse than anything else.
The more I tried to get an answer and ask how to get out the more I was ignored. No response , nobody cared about me, I could not bare it a moment longer. I found myself clinging to this corpse, I was shaking it and shouting for assistance. The eyes were closed but it was alive.
I came out of this terrible dream as I cried out with all my being "JESUS !! ". At that very instant I found myself awake in bed with my darling wife, standing next to me. As I lay there thinking back into the dream, tears rolled down my cheeks. I was shacking and honestly in state of ABSOLUTE SHOCK!  I told my wife that I had just had a wrestle with hell and she held my hand  and prayed with me.
If this was the entrance to Hell, For heavens sake people, make sure you are born again.
When your heart stops beating you step straight into the unseen world around us. Jesus either knows us because of the Holy Spirit in us or we miss it! Jesus said unless a person is born again they shall not see the Kingdom of God………
Whoever you are, make sure you are born-again by the Holy Spirit!!! Catch my urgency ???
Make sure you have the same Spirit living in you that raised Jesus from the dead. Jumping out of an Aeroplane without a parachute, is the same as dyeing without accepting Jesus into your heart.
Get into a Bible believing Christian Church URGENTLY. Be careful of religious Churches. If you are not sure of a good Bible based church in your area we can help. Don't’ play games friend.
Contact us if this letter touched your heart, or perhaps you want to have either of us pray with you. Email us or  phone +27314509999, Telefriend and ask someone on duty to pray with you. When you have given your life to Jesus, tell someone about it.
DO IT NOW PLEASE friend. This is no joke friend
God Bless
P.S. We added this on now, 1 November 2003,
We recently went to see a movie called
"The Lazarus Phenomenon" The video tells the stories and shows some actual video footage of two guys who died at different times and locations around the world. They saw heaven and hell. Their descriptions are the same as mine!!!, especially the one guy who was dead for 3 days. Get to see that movie ASAP. It will change you forever.
Contact : or phone their office on +27845723931
We care about your soul !!
Please copy and pass on to loved ones URGENTLY
It is your choice
Added now 13 Sept 09

Saturday, September 12, 2009

R2800 or else

This is what happened:
A number of years ago when the interest rates went through the roof we nearly lost our home. By the satge of this miracle recorded here, we were informed by one of the large friendly banks that if we did not pay R2800 into the bond account within a day or two, we would lose our home!!
So my lady and I got on our knees and prayed..."Lord Help, we trust you alone Jesus, during this time. We need R2800 today"
Well no lighting burning voices...nothing!!
I sat down, opened the local Paper and after a few minutes I noticed an add. It said that they buy old vehicles for cash. I phoned the guy and he said he would be there in 30minutes!!
Here is the miracle....I had an old rust bucket , heap of rubbish bukkie that hardly started , and in fact was towed home a week or two before.
The guy arrived with the necessay for Sale papers...something the seller normally suppliers..he asked how much I wanted I said R3000. He said I will give you R2800 cash. We signed "foets toets" papers and ...believe it or not...we could not...He turned the started 1st go and then he proceded to drive it away and we never heard from him again..
God had answered our prayer...we had R2800 CASH in our hands within 40minutes of having prayed for help!!!!
God is so awesome...interested in your everyday life

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

GOD SAID "MOVE" ...we were shattered..not easy

This is what happened: Well we had been in a LARGE church for around 15 yrs or so..lost count to tell the truth. We had been active in the Church, running a homecell...going on mission trips...attending every prayer meeting possible..etc etc. At the beginning of 2009, I felt strongly in my heart that God wanted us to move!! shattered me.. I shared my heart with my wife and she immediately agreed as she felt the same. She had not shared it with me as yet.
So now where...we prayed and waited for our answer. Nothing for a good few days, when out of the blue, a friend Julian invited us to visit the Church he attends. So we went. In the car, just before going in, my wife and two daughters and myself prayed..we asked God.." Father if you want us to move then please confirm this. Do we move or do we stay?"
We went in, surrounded by lovely lovely people of God. We loved the Praise and worship, tears rolling down cheeks, with sincere hearts we sat down to hear the word. Well here is the MIRACLE.
Paster Johnathan Leach, whom we love to bits, says this. He said " There are folk here today who are expecting an answer from God, and I want to tell you, that today you will get you answer before you leave here today!"
We nearly fell off our pew! Although a general hit right home for us.So there we sat...expectant!!
Johnathan switches on his overhead BIG SCREEN and as he is about to put his first slide up, he says my message today is >>>MOVE<<< Can you believe that..WOW...Our answer to our prayer we prayed in the car...GIVEN CLEARLY...IN WRITING AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE MEETING...Mindblowing actually. His preach went on to clearly confirm what we felt on our heart. So now 6 months later we look back, and see the journey God took us on...and we know that we know that we know, that God was in the move all the way. We finnally see...We got the message 'MOVE' in Dec 2008 and HCF Leadership had the same message in terms of ...'Move Out'. We felt to move closer home and HCF planted into Westville. We know this is what the Spirit was showing us all along. We are settling in at HCF Westville.CRAZY ROLLER COASTER RIDEFOR US...but Praise God we heard and obeyed, even although it has cost us in terms of experiences. We believe God alowed us to experience what other local Churches are like, how they function, how they treat visitors. etc It has been interesting to say the very least. We LEARNT A LOT....we saw a lot...some strange and funny stuff along the way!!  Spiritual Leassons Learnt ... But now, praise God, we are BACK HOME where we belong.. Such love...such family..such awesome..Thank you Lord God Almighty. Our Prayer as a family, use us Lord Use us we pray...AMEN

Sunday, September 6, 2009


This is what happened:
God is amazing. He is intimatley interested in every facet of your life.
Enjoy this scenario that happened to us..
We were amped up to attend the TREE 63 concert on the beach in Durban, way back around 2002. We all jumped into my jeep and made our way down. Parking was a problem, but after much hunting around, we found a place to park. We had a fair walk to the beach, slowly pushing our way through the maddening crowd and onto the beach, right by the Pier. As we got there, John Ellis, walked up, grabbed the microphone and said "WHEN YOU HEAR THE SIGNAL....IT WILL BE...TREE 63 EXACTLY" We were so pleased to be there...we loved these guys and the AWESOME music they make. Music that honours God
Somehow, despite the excitement of being there, I had a slight uneasy feeling in my heart. The next thing I get this overpowering message " GO HOME NOW!"
It was not a voice, but rather a thought pattern that overpowered my entire mind.
I immediately spun around and told my wife and friends..they thought I was looney Tunes...we had just arrived...we battled to get a parking...The concert had just started ...I mean really...r u crazy!!
Anyway we just obeyed...and fought our way back to the Jeep and drove home. There was not much communication on the way home...we were all thinking, why has God done this..Why has he sent us home, when the concert had just started!!

Well, as we entered our home, we found out why God said go home now. Thieves were in our house, and as we entered they litterally dived out the windows in the lower level bedroom windows. I broke out in Tongues, a spiritual language given by God...shouting out aloud in tongues as we moved into the lounge area. Craig, had a stick and he marched forward, like my armour bearer, ready to strike any human that may come at us. After a few minutes PROFORCE SECURITY arrived and checked our home out for potential thieves. They must have been desperate, as they had been disturbed whilst eating a tin of Dog tinned food!! We found the spoon still in the tin. We found the 2 L milk container leaking on our matress on our bed.
Here is the miracle...If we had not heard and listened at that specific moment...we would have lost EVERYTHING!! All our belongings, everything we own, was neatly packed in bags, wrapped in blankets ready to go. Meat from the deep freeze wrapped in with our daughters school books , clothes, medals, jewelry , shoes etc

They got away with nothing...PRAISE GOD...
My prayer: Lord, may I always be in a position to hear your voice....discipline me to listen and do...AMEN

Saturday, September 5, 2009

He said "Go the way you know"

This is what happened:
Long story short....whilst teaching I used to run a 10 seater microbus. There was a need for safer transport to and fro, so I stepped in with an oldish model Microbus. Well it was a little ...ummm...lacking in areas...and on a teachers salary, improvements took a little longer. One brake light not working, one headlight not operating...brakes a bit rough..juddery...hooter worked sometimes etc...tyres very very close to smooth...needed replacing asap...a typical Gov teachers car back in 1995 or so.
On one particular day...I had leave..but still took the 8 or 10 young people in that morning. I told them I would drive down and fetch them after school, so they must not worry.

Here is the around 13h30 I took a slow drive to the school in Durban. I used the same old route, but nearing the end, I thought...Man I am so sick of using this route, I think I will go another way. I think at these robots coming up, I will go straight instead of turning left and going the way I had used every morning for years. AsI am approaching the robot, I get this seriously OVERPOWERING MESSAGE "Go the way you know " I mean this was no thought of was BANG ...deep spirit stuff...the words seemed to take over my entire being...."Go the way you know"
Well it was simple..I knew it was God, so I simply obeyed and turned left, and followed the same old route.
To my surprise as I came near to the stadium, I see this huge intense Road Traffic Police - road block. I mean they were checking every car that looked suspicious, the lights, the hooter, the tyres etc etc...mmmmmmmmm

If I did not listen to the message God gave me, and gone another way, I would not have seen that roadblock!! It means I would have driven straight into it on my way back.
Consequently I picked the young people up, and drove home using another route completley...ha ha ha....WOW too close for comfort...Thank goodness, Daddy could see ahead and he directed my path so as to save me BIG MONEY on a fine. The whole thing woke me up and within days I had the Microbus sorted out and completley roadworthy

God seriously did guide me that day! phew

Friday, September 4, 2009


This is what happened:
One of the highlights of my life has been the time I spent teaching at a local High School. I taught from 1994 to around Mid 2002, loving every minute...well at time it seemed like hell, but God soon used those few HARD times to teach me and the young people a lesson or two..ha ha
Teaching is BRILLIANT, the dynamic in the classroom AWESOME.

I had a Grade 10 registration class. One young lad, Craig, lived not far from our home. So with time, after passing each other on the road and waving etc, he eventually ended up getting a lift with me. Craig contributed towards my fuel bill, so he was a huge blessing. As the years passed, Craig and I became good friends. Still to this day some 15years later, He and his lovely wife pop around and visit.

One morning, I over-slept!! Teachers don't make mistakes OK!!
Well this caused chaos...Craig was waiting down the road and there I was still snoring...potentially LATE for school!! Can you imagine..Why you Late BOY?...well My teacher overslept!! what a feeble excuse!!

Anyway, here is the miracle....while I was fast asleep..I start getting this vision of Craig standing on the side of the road. In my dream, I could clearly see Craig standing there as he had done every School morning for years....
I remember seeing him so clear in my dream...standing there, bag on his back, black blazer on...standing ...waiting...standing...just standing there, THEN SUDDENLY....WHAT ..I AM LATE....LATE ....WOW...CRAIG IS WAITING!!!

I flew out of dressed in minutes...did the necessaries and screamed off..
Flying out the door, I shouted back to my wife...I am so so so late...Craig is waiting..I saw him in a dream right now...that is how I woke up!!

Amazing stuff...God busy with us as his Children...awesome stuff

By the way...we just just made it to school on time

I ran into the assembly as guilty as sin...I was the cause of Craig being BUT GOD saved the day...dreams and visions

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lost Keys

This is what happened:
After School one of the students asked if I could help him. He wanted me to fetch his motorbike at a friends place and drop it at his home. So Trevor travelled home with me in the car and we went to my place to fetch my Pickup so I could go fetch his bike. We were met by my beautiful wife and my eldest daughter at the door. I told them I was just quickly going to help Trevor fetch his bike. I looked around for the Pickup keys...nowhere to be seen. We all search high and low. We check my pockets, the clothing basket, the bedrooms, the lounge cushions etc...nowhere!!
So I had to tell Trevor that I was sorry but I could not assist because I could not find the keys
As we were walking out, so I could go drop Trevor with the car...I felt an overpowering thought..."You have not asked me where the keys are!! "
Well I was I prayed out aloud for all to hear. Lord you know where the keys are, please show us.

I heard no lightening bolts

We got in the car and as we were about to drive wife came running out...I found the keys!!!

Amazing..God directed her to the keys...under a dish towel in the Kitchen...minutes after us having asked
